sábado, 28 de abril de 2012


Well i love to play any kind of games 
but it also depends with who but my favorite 
game right know is 
UNO CARDS like yesterday i played 
all day but realy i did play all day 
until i got board and that was until 
9 at night hahaha lol 

lunes, 23 de abril de 2012

Littel Babies...!!

Well i love littel babies i think they are the cutes things
on earth plus there skin is so so soft and they never
sink they always smell go good well except when
there diper is wet jajajaa but anyways today i saw
a baby that was so cute he had blue eyes and
he was realy white...!!

p.s. I hope to have a babie like the one i saw today
but some day like in 10 years lol :D


sábado, 14 de abril de 2012


Well on monday i will be turning 17 it feels like it past so so fast
i mean next year ill be 18 wich is consider a adult so cool
but sad at the same time couse i dont whant to be old
plus i have to do adult stuff like go to the University
which i stiill dont knwo where im going

But i love my birthday i dont know why but this
year it feels diferent its like this year is so much

I just hope to get the stuff i whant lol